Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with every day occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.

Jenna Sauve


Indie head massage

Indie Head Massage is a form of relaxation massage that focuses on the muscles of the neck, shoulders, scalp and face. It uses a variety of techniques to help relieve stress, muscle tension, headaches, insomnia and jaw dysfunction.

This treatment requires use of oils or conditioners placed directly onto the hair and scalp, I recommend booking on a day you can go home and wash your hair after, or bring a hair tie / hat for after treatment.

Jenna Sauve


Stretch Therapy

The overall goal of stretch therapy is to treat muscle tightness, joint imbalances, and tissue restrictions that cause movement distortions, aches and pains, and increased risk of injury.

Over time, stretch therapy improves range of motion, leading to improved movement patterns and fewer injuries.

Jenna Sauve


Deep tissue / Sport RMT treatment

These types of massage work on deeper layers of muscle tissue to target specific areas of tightness and discomfort. By applying firm pressure and various techniques, deep tissue and sports massages help to release knots, improve blood flow, and enhance flexibility. Whether you're an athlete looking to prevent injuries or someone seeking relief from chronic muscle tightness, these massage modalities can provide significant benefits for improving overall physical well-being.

Jenna Sauve